Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Curly Locks

Here are some fun things Evia has done lately

1. She thinks my moms furry white scarf is a cat so she says kitty and gets really excited when she see it so so funny!!

2. when she has a toy davids keys or even food I say share? And she holds out the object for me to have . Then I play with it for a minute then I say share an give it back and she gets so excited to share everything with me, even if it is a soggy cracker.

3. My mom wears her out when she is watching her while I am at school. we don't have stairs really at our house  so my mom lets her crawl up the steps. But of course my mom is behind her all the time.

4. She cries when I take her out of her tub.

5.  She sucks on her thumb and then gets bored so she pulls up her foot and sticks her foot and thumb in her mouth at the same time.We might have a gymnastic girl on our hands.

6.  I taught her how to splash in the tub. So when I say "Splash" she really goes for it!! by the end of the bath almost all of the water is gone.and it looks like i have a little moby dick in the bathtub she sure is a white whale. 

7. When I read her a book I say turn the page and she turns the pages of the books when the page is done. She is a total bookworm. i put all toys on the floor but the thing she heads to first is a book.

8. She discovered how fascinating her tongue is!

9. When we hold out Evias Lamb aka "Lambie" she holds out her arms and when she finally grabs it she shoves it into her face and hugs it to her chest .She loves loves stuffed animals.

10. When she gets really excited she hyperventilates  she has been doing this since she was about five months old it is so cute.

11. She loves crawling but sticks her butt in the air when she crawls on the grass or on hardwood it is hilarious we call it the stink bug.

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