Sunday, April 15, 2012

The Newest Baby tanner

David got the day off for my first apointment to see the baby. We were so excited a dn evia was being so cute evrytime a nurse would take my blood pressure or weigh me she would say " Mommy are you ok?" I would have to reasure her and she eventually liked the office due to stickers and suckers at the front desk. we went in and met my new doctor she is a gem and is really aware of you and your needs.she checked the baby and the heartbeat and when evia heard is she said "WOw thats really cool mamma" It was so funny we couldnt wait till we found out if it was a boy or girl. here is a first look at our baby# 2

Here is some pics from our third apoinment to find out the sex of the baby this time we headed up to the hospital for an ultra sound it was much clearer and more defined. the baby was moving so much and was kicking the ultrasound instrument off my belly this kids is so strong and has been very low so even my highest jeans are not comfortable.It took them about an hour to find out the sex i told them i wasnt leaving till we found out they laughed and made extra sure we knew what it was at first they thought it was a girl, but then the baby moved a bit and we found out it was a little boy !! A boy I looked over and david had the biggest smile on his face! We now have the best of both worlds a little princess and our little man. I was so excited that day we wnet to smiths and found his first outfit it was so much fun knowing I can play with legos and silly putty and hot wheels. we cannot wait and I cannot wait to meet him!!

I had another ultrasound cause they were concerned about me having the baby a little early but everything came back fine and my cervix hasnt changed. Which was awesome news he was so roudy and couldnt help but wiggle around but we got some great pics this time.Everything is going well except my newest symptoms is he is sitting on my sciatic never which is excruciating. he is literally being a pain in my tush the heartburn is relentless and I already cannot see my knees.

The photo above is an angle as if you were looking down at his face the white arrow is pointing to an open hole which is his mouth and the two slits above are his nostrils.We think we will name him emerson----- tanner we are still deciding middle name but we are pretty sure emerson will be his name I is on my side of the family, I told my grandpa and he made a funny face and said your gonna name the poor kid that ! he he he is such a tease , but i thought it would be a good way to remember my grampy. also it is not as common and e names are harder to come by.

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