Saturday, July 02, 2011

Happy Mothers Day

 David ahd to work mothers day he just got a new job  working for a cavble install company called pioneer cabel and earlier in the Day bry spoke in churhc about his mission he has grown so much since I last saw him but he is still his sweet self. He fit back in as if he had never been gone he was having fun with all the new grandkids. We had a fun party for his homecoming with all of the tanner clan and then I headed over to my parents to celebrate a bit with them. Mom and dad had stayed up till the sun came up because they were watching a prison break by the time I got over there it was about two and they were still sleeping. So mom and me and ketty had a fun mothers day breakfsat tea party style in the play room.I had just started the HCG Diet and was not bale to eat a nummy breakfast that stunk. then we gave mumsey her przes and davdi walked in the door just before she opened them He took off his hat and you can tell evia is his daughter from this picture.


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