Thursday, July 29, 2010

Acacia's Birthday 22!!

Now this may seem like a quiet ordinary scene, but little do you know that tranquility can go from this to this...

On my Birthday we were moving out of our old house we were hot, sweaty and ready for a break my Mumsey and Papsey are sweet to let us stay at their house till Musser court is fixed up more. So my dad made me a rainbow chip cake and we had homemade ice cream at eleven o clock at night but here were some fun things we did on my birthday with the Tanner clan. Paul hooked up a zipline from the top of the barn to a small grove of trees at the end of their property. So to wrap things up, grown boys and girls on a zipline is a hilarious combination. Earlier before we got their Nate was playing around on the pulley and it snapped and he fell into the pond and he sadly found out his 300.00 I phone was in his pocket !! Poor guy. Even Liz tried it out and as she came down the line she fell of near the end and almost hit her head on the posts that were holding the zipline up.

DJ just fell in the pond for fun 

Evia has 5 teeth coming in on her top gums !! And guess what all at the same time she was having a rough day and as she saw david coming down the zipline she started crying and  screaming she was so scared. It was so sad but sweet. She also points to everything lately we say where are the trees, flowers, da da, me ma, papa, but my favorite one is we say " Evia where is Jesus"and she smiles and points at the picture of christ in my moms room.

Now with his daddy Jack may look normal sized but this is a big boy he is four months old and look how big he is next to our Evia who is almost a year old!!

Notice the family resemblance?

Rex look at you!! He looked the most graceful hey it could be from all of those ballroom dance classes he  he!! He looked like he stepped off of Swan Lake !!!

Go Nate go!!! also Catherine is the Indian Pochohantas woman she is so brown !! She looks like she is south of the border I looked like an albino compared to her , but i can't help but wonder what her cute prego tummy looks like maybe it is neopolitan. My Tanner Birthday cake was a Fat boy Oreo icecream I have to say that was the most unique Birthday cake ever.

Thankyou  to both of my parents and sisters and my sweet hubbie, Evi and to the tanner clan to try to make my busy birthday fun . I have to admit I was wanting to have fun but it was worth all of the hard work in the end

1 comment:

  1. I wish we could have been there to celebrate. All these family pics make me homesick for all the fun people we love. Hope Musser Ct is going well. Love ya!
