Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Wheres my little sunshine?

My poor little Evia has been feeling so so sick the past two days. She has had a temp of 103.3 . And hasn't slept much. I never thought watching her cry would hurt my insides so much. I am officialy a mother I am forgetting about some things I need and sacrificing things for her.  It was like when I saw her in  my first ultra sound she was just a blob  but I was in love with her. And now that she is here and she is hurting I feel  it hurts me more than it is hurting her. I only now have a small small small glimpse of what my mom went through I do not know how she did it .  My heart felt like it was ripped from my chest when there was nothing more I could do besides give her tylenol hold her bathe her and comfort her as best as I could. Being a mom is so tough but when she smiles and touches my face softly it is like nothing bad will ever happen. 

I can't wait until she feels better so I can have my sweet little girl back

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