Thursday, March 18, 2010

Water Fall Canyon

Me and Ketty went on a hike up waterfall canyon luckily we had a special carrier for evia so it would be easier than a sling. We also took our trusty titan with us it was so much fun and titan met alot of dogs along the way.

 We were about 1/4 of a mile from the top when another hiker came down and told us it was pretty much ice the rest of the way up . So to be safe we started to head  back down . By this time Evia was very sleepy and grumpy so it was good we were heading down but I wish I could have seen the waterfall . I haven't seen it yet.

Titan loved the hike and was our little buddy a and at a few points on the way down we had to slide on our butts because it was so slippery . At one time ketty went on her butt and titan dragged her down the hill she was laughing the whole way down boy it was cold.

Once we got down the not so rugid parts Evia calmed down and started to bite the water hose on my backpack she started to gag a little cause the water tasted like plastic. She has also recently discovered her tongue and we finally caught her on film

By the time we got back to the car she had fallen fast asleep on  my chest  it was so sweet  and it pulled at my heartstrings.

Ever since Titan was a puppy he likes putting his head in our laps  and once he started to get bigger he would stick  his head in between the front seat and drivers seat  and lay his head on the head rest . And if we let him  he would try to crawl in the front seat with us . He sure is snuggly but little does he know how big and heavy he is getting he still thinks he can fit in our laps.

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