Monday, June 13, 2011

The problem with our neighbors
 the head hunters

Bree I am doing this post for you I think you will get a kick out of it!!When we moved into musser court we met emily and gary across the street and when we met them they were nice and kosher to us but as the months went by Emily just got meaner and ruder. When our furnace went out and we had no heat mom and dad came by to help us put in a new furnace and parked in our neighbors parking spot so we could get the furnace through the front door. Well after dada and david got the new furnace working the furnace started to smoke from it burning off the paint so I opened the front door to let out all of the smoke and the next thing I knew my neighbor was yelling at me from the driveway. She was livid we were in her parking spot which technically our driveway is city property to legally anyone can park there she  started yelling at me in front of everyone about how inconsiderate I was and what bad neighbors we were. AKA she was being a witch and later told david that she was a witch. I have tried to make amends for whatever horrible thing I have done to her. I even said hello to her once in the yard and this is what she said. and I quote " Acacia I can't do this! this whole small talk thing is not working I am very mad at you right now  and I don't want to talk . shocked at being yelled at for saying hello I then told her "I am so sorry I don't know what I have done to offend you but if you just tell me I could try to do better" She then told me she wanted to sometime make amends and talk our problems over some coffee. David later came home and said over my dead body! I still don't know what I have done to make her hate me  maybe it is because I have a hot husband and a beautiful daughter ? Or because I am  happy and she is not? Who knows and still after months of not going in my front yard  because I am afraid she will attack me I have decided to take a stand. I am not going to be run over anymore and so today I think I figured out what her problem is. We pulled up the driveway and noticed their cars were gone I looked over and saw a disturbing site  in their garden . So I went through the gate and took some pictures to tell everyone I have proof  my neighbor is really a witch or head hunter either or. She had stuck childrens dolls on stakes and barbie doll makeup heads in her garden to scare all of the birds away. Yep I have proof It has nothing to do with me it is all her!!

1 comment:

  1. oh man what a psycho we totally need to tp her house when i come down it's gonna rock!
