Monday, April 18, 2011

Daddy's Little Helper

About a week ago My mom and dad stopped for a visit and we got alot accomplished in the yard it was nice to have my mom there helping me rake and getting our yard picture perfect. During this time david was superman and fixed the front gate but not with some help from evie. Before we had to kick and pull up on the latch and then push in to get the gate open it had sagged so much over time that barly opened. But thanks to david and his sidekick It swung open like it was brand new. Evie had seen us using screwdrivers wrenches,rachets before and she was no dummy she went right for the screwdriver and was trying to be as she says it  "Helper". She even started to take the screws and tried to put them back in the holes in the fence. She also was trying to use the wrench she was being so adorable and she kept saying fix it .She handed daddy tools and would go up hug his leg and would say " Daddy Home". It was so cute I took a ton of pics.

Mumsey also surprised us by having dad pick up some pieces of sod to fill in our lawn . It was so nice of them and to know we would not have to worry about seeding again . all of the neighbors bird feeders attract tons of pesky bird and all of the seed was getting eaten. I can't wait till it grows in and we can lie on our nice grass and not get muddy Thanks Mumsey and Papsey! And sorry this post is so short but our internet is kinda crummy so it took me two hours to load everything grrr. Next post will be fun easter festivities!!

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