Thursday, April 07, 2011

Cacias Craft Corner

Allright to all of those people who read  our blog I am going to  try something new I am going to try to do a new craft or a project  per week and i will write instructions and pictures on how to make that project. For my first craft since it is coming close to easter I will be giving you some tips on how to  make your  own homemade eggs dyes. Now every year we make ukrainian eggs  and the dyes go rancid after a few years  so here is a recipe that only needs three ingredients and is very simple.

Homemade Easter egg dyes

1. 1 cup of hot water
2. 1/4  cup Vinegar
3.  25 drops of Liquid food coloring or food coloring paste

Depending on how dark or vibrant the colors you want depends on how many drops of dye you use. Be sure to use whit vinegar it acts a an agent that makes the eggshell hold it's color. Now for those out there who have difficulty getting the colors  you want here is a  lesson of colors 101 displayed is a picture of a color wheel that might help with your mixing.

Primary colors : These are colrs that are pure and cannot be created by combining other colors these are Red, Yellow,Blue

Secondary colors: You combine the primary colors to create the secondary colors Green,Purple,Orange

Tertiary colors: you combine a primary color with a secondary color these are Orange red,Yellow Orange,Yellow Green,Blue Green, Blue Purple, Red Purple.

And If you really want to be hard core and make dyes out of all natural materials here are a few plants and other items you can use for dyes just boil them down. All of these colors can be found in nature just experiment and see what happens.

Red:  Cranberries or Rasberries

Yellow: Tumeric or orange peels

Green: Celery seed, Dandilion  leaves,spinach

 Blue: Blueberries
 Purple: Grape juice

Brown: Outer layers of onion
Pink: Rhubarb, Beet juice

Also an unconventional method is using good old kool aid packets so give it a try and tell me what you think! Hoppy Easter!!

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