Monday, March 07, 2011

Silly and Sweet things Evia does

Putting the glasses from Mr. Potato on her face

She loves helping me put on my makeup no matter how messy shemakes me look I still love having her do it
She tries to put on her own diapers.and fails miserably
She brings me things she finds on the floor and says yucky as she hands it to me.
She helps me do the dishes by sticking her toys and books in there as well. 
I tell her to go get cozy and she goes to titans dog bed and sucks her thumb and cuddles her lambie

She loves reading and brings me books to read if i am sitting down she comes and snuggles in my lap and we read the books together

She loves it when I make a nummy dessert and snitching some of it

When we have prayers she folds aher arms and will even sometimes squint her eyes.
Tickling the flowers, playing monster and hide and seek and hearing her squeal with delight when I catch her
Hearing cars pull up and thinking it is da da or me ma and papa coming home
Finding a nickel or quarter lying around the house and bringing me her piggy bank, she loves to say the coins names and put the money inside the bank but when the money is in the bank she gets upset and tries to open the bank.
Helping momma craft by pulling out all of my recently folded and organized fabric, and then bringing it to me to fold again.
Her lambie is her constant companion.
When I was not feeling well she brought me one of her blankies and a her lamb and laid next to me.
when she has bad diaper rash she took a shower with david and he called me in a few minutes later to find out she had fallen asleep on his shoulder while in the shower.
Saying cheese and having her give me a big goofy grin.
.Putting her toys in the toilet, or getting stuff out of the garbage can
  Spinning around in a circle till she falls down or gets dizzy enough to run into the door frame 
Eating bubbles in the bathtub, and washing her hair.
She love flash cards and lately has said  mirror,farmer, airplane,octopus,pigs, shovel, sun,heart oval, brother ,sister
Helping momma plant seeds aka rocks.
Dancing to music from you tube.
She loves brushing her teeth she mostly just chews on the brush but when I take it away she starts to cry.
Seeing a picture of her canadian cousins and saying their names especially coco then she looks around trying to find her.Here are some of the things my sweet little lady does I hope it made you smile.

1 comment:

  1. Evia is such a cutie and you are such a great mom! We sure miss you guys and seeing you little sweetie grow up.
