Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The Battle of Bath time!!!

Now Titan loves the water  and if he sees a pond puddle or stream he jumps right in but when it comes to getting him to come into the bathroom and in a tub that is a different story. He is not as afraid of the wood floor as he first was  but as soon as he heard the tub  going he skidded across the kitchen floor trying to run away from me . I ran after him and I picked him up he was not happy he was whining and squirming all over and titan is no weiner dog . He is getting to be a big boy so lets say I think I will have a few bruises tommorow. I finally got him in the tub and when I turned the shower on he froze and the water was dark brown boy black fur sure hides dirt well. And his fur is newfie fur it is meant to be water proof so I really had to soak him to get him wet  and once I started shampooing he calmed down and enjoyed the ride. Titan had some mats  on his tail and by his behind so I went to go get some scissors to cut them off and he decided to make his getaway. He ran out of the tub and slide everywhere in the kitchen cause not only was he wet  he was still was covered in shampoo!! He ran in the living room and before I knew it he was shaking.  Everything slowed down as if everything  was in  slow motion as I he shook and got our couches rug and newly mopped and painted living room . I grabbed his collar and dragged him back in . When he got back in he was fine . And sadly I had to trim almost  all of the pretty long hair off of his tail cause it was in dredlock mats. I thought I did a good job until later when I dried him off it looked like a  really bad barber haircut.But at least he was clean . Then after I dried him I looked at the aftermath. Hair and water were all over the floor, shower, window and tub. and there was a huge giant hairball blocking the drain. But I took these pictures in the middle of the cleaning it was alot worse earlier but here are  some funny shots. We will need alot of draino now.

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